Age Old Fight Between Marketing and Sales Has Been Solved | Episode 12

Written by Christopher Day | Aug 6, 2020 7:46:54 PM



We have all been there. Sales blames marketing for not sending enough good leads and marketing blames sales for not closing. Both teams want the same thing - to put the company in the best position to be successful.

The reason is no one's fault.

Because, until now, the team couldn't see what marketing actions actually drive pipeline and grow revenue. And worse yet, no one can actually see what your target market is thinking!

Now you can see exactly how much pipeline and revenue is being driven from your campaigns, your content, your keywords, and even your organic search terms.

I know what you're thinking, "That isn't possible. No one can do that". I understand.

It took years to figure out this attribution capability. We are now ready to show it to the world. We are using it ourselves and have cut significant waste, tripled inbound leads, and gained more new customers in Q2 than in any other quarter in the previous year. Yes, right in the middle of #COVID.

Thank you to the DJ family for years of hard work. Excited to see it launch for all B2B companies using Hubspot and Salesforce.

Watch this video and we look forward to seeing you soon!


Video Transcript:

Hi, this is Natalie with DemandJump. I'm going to show you the power of DemandJump’s attribution solution for b2b marketers. Today, we'll focus specifically on HubSpot, but this works for any CRM, including Salesforce. So let's start with the problem. 

The biggest challenge B2B marketers have is they can only see campaign performance tied to lead creation. They can't see past their leads. Simply put, B2B marketers can't tell which campaign drove sales, deals, or actual pipeline value, only leads. This is because marketers can only measure digital activity from their digital efforts. They see form submissions and leads, but they can't see what happens next with those leads and tie that back to their campaigns or content. 

With long sales cycles and no ability to link campaigns to deals, it's incredibly difficult for B2B marketers to improve performance. To summarize, the biggest problem B2B marketers have is measuring past lead generation. They can't see how many deals, how much pipeline, or how much revenue is actually being generated from their campaigns, content, keywords, or organic search terms. 

This is a massive problem. How do you do your best when you don't have the whole story? What if I told you that DemandJump can answer these questions and more in under 30 minutes.

Say I'm a marketer who uses HubSpot as my CRM. I sign up for an account with DemandJump, enter my info, competitors, and even a keyword I want to perform well for. Once I'm in, I'm ushered to the app store where I can connect any platform in three simple steps.  Click. Login. Connect. Easy peasy! No time consuming integration setup or configuration. I connect HubSpot, Google Ads, Google Search Console, and any other platforms I use for my business. The more that I connect, the more power I unlock. Once connected, I can dive right in. 

I'm going to start in my HubSpot Summary Dashboard. I know how much I'm spending and how many leads I'm driving, but as a B2B marketer it's difficult to see what's happening next. In this Summary Dashboard I can see all of my marketing channels and side-by-side attribution models. Finally, I can see channel performance through to my deals and what this shows me is that while paid search is driving the highest quantity of deals and the most form submissions, organic search is actually driving the highest deal amount and revenue. Now that I know that, I can invest more in my SEO and content efforts to boost organic search.

Speaking of content, I know what my page views are for the content I create, but how do those views translate to actual deals? And what content is the most valuable? And how do I determine which pieces to create and promote? I can click on content to see exactly how much value each piece of content is driving towards my actual deal revenue. I can switch between attribution models to see what content first catches someone's eye or which content is prevalent throughout the journey. 

Next, let's check out the Deals Dashboard. I like looking at my data in different ways and DemandJump allows rich filtering, so if I want to look at attribution for deals over the last 180 days or over the last five years, I can. Other platforms allow only very limited attribution look back windows, but DemandJump gives you complete dynamic flexibility to select any attribution window you desire and it updates in seconds. 

If I wanted to see what campaigns have been the most effective in moving the needle over the last five years, I simply filter to ‘marketing campaign’ and set the time to ‘5 years’. Now, I can not only see the campaigns, but generated deal amounts and even what's forecasted what about keywords. If I've connected both my HubSpot and Google Ads accounts, DemandJump shows me not only my Google Ads metrics and costs, but also how many actual form submissions those created and how many deals. I can finally see my cost per deal for any marketing campaign.  

I saw when I started in the Summary Dashboard that organic search was actually responsible for the highest deal value. Organic search is a black box without a guide and there aren't any platforms that give me visibility into which organic search terms are really driving value.  DemandJump is the first platform that shows me the organic search terms that are not only driving form submissions and leads but I can see deals, deal amounts, and pipeline value tied to each individual organic search term. 

Here I see what percentage of deals and form submissions are coming from each search term. I can even see how many deals and how much revenue can be attributed back to organic search terms. This gives me visibility I've never had. But my buyers interact with multiple campaigns, is it really possible to accurately attribute this? Is there a way to see the paths these users take? 

With DemandJump, the answer is yes. In a single click, see every channel and touch point that occurs before a deal is created. Marketing is complex and if you can't tie campaign performance all the way through your funnel to actual deals and revenue, then you are flying blind and could be making the wrong decisions.

DemandJump’s attribution solution solves this problem by showing you the real value of your campaigns, keywords, content, search terms, and more. You can finally measure everything you do. Not just lead generation, but all the way through the funnel to deals, pipeline, and revenue. With DemandJump, you're no longer flying blind. You get the whole story. Visit to learn more.