DemandJump Blog

What Are the 7 Types of Marketing?

Written by McKenzi Sidor | July 8, 2022

Marketing is what allows your business to communicate with your prospective and existing customers. Like with any relationship, you will have to use different forms of communication to keep the relationship with your audience strong. Making an effective content marketing strategy can be a bit of a balancing act. Luckily, understanding the 7 types of marketing can give you a strong foundation to build your relationship on. In this blog, we give you the definition of marketing and its types (including a few types of digital marketing) to help you get started.

What Is Marketing in Business?

Marketing is the way your business shows your target audience how your products or services can solve their problems. There are two main marketing categories, offline and digital. Offline marketing consists of advertising that takes place on television, radio, and print. Digital, as the name suggests, is any type of advertising that occurs online. Both work in tandem to get your message to your audience. This is important because the more a potential customer sees your ads, the more likely they will be to purchase your goods or services.

There is a rule related to that called the rule of seven. What is the rule of seven? It suggests that a potential customer has to hear or see your content or advertisements about a specific product or service at least seven times before they’ll purchase it. Instead of repeating the same message on one type of marketing seven times, though, it makes more sense to use several types of marketing so as not to annoy your prospects.

What Are the Main Types of Marketing?

There are so many different types of marketing that we can’t list them all here. Instead, we go through the 7 marketing types that are the most common:

  • Outbound Marketing: This is any form of marketing that involves sending your message “out” to your audience instead of drawing them to your website. Outbound marketing focuses more on selling a product or service instead of teaching your audience more about your business and what it does. The form of outbound marketing that you are probably most familiar with are billboards.
  • Direct Mail Marketing: This type of marketing is exactly how it sounds: sending mail directly to your target audience’s addresses. Typically it focuses on targeting the people who live in a specific area instead of focusing on a specific type of person. An example of this type of marketing would be coupons sent to you from a local restaurant or shop.
  • Stealth Marketing: This type of marketing is about marketing to someone without their realizing that you’re doing it. One way companies do that is through product placement. They do not give you a specialized ad. Instead, they’ll show you their brand name in your favorite shows, movies, or videos until it sticks with you and you seek them out.
  • Public Relations (PR) Marketing: This type of marketing is all about getting your name out there. You create press releases with updates to send to news stations or sites. Such updates can be about promotions, expansions, new products, etc. You can find some examples of press releases here.
  • Partner Marketing: This type of marketing is about teaming up with another business and promoting each other’s products. By doing so, you draw in the other business’s loyal customers. If they trust the other business and the other business trusts you, then their customers are likely to trust you, too. An example of this type of marketing would be an organization software company promoting a specific processor for the most effective use of the software.
  • Brand Marketing: This type of marketing focuses on making your business recognizable by your target audience. While this is the goal for all these types of marketing, the difference is that brand marketing makes itself recognizable by establishing a certain tone, image, and message for itself. Businesses that use brand marketing can attract potential customers by showing off their own personality and values. Think of the most popular companies you can, such as Coca Cola or Apple. You know them because they established a brand for themselves.
  • Pillar-Based Marketing (PBM): This is a newer type of marketing in the digital world. It focuses on creating content that answers your target audience’s biggest questions. From there, you can set your business up as an authority in your field and encourage your audience to take some sort of action. For example, let’s say you want to rank for content marketing. You might write about the types of marketing, content marketing certifications, and steps for content marketing. DemandJump is the best platform out there for certifying you in PBM and giving you the tools you need for an effective PBM plan.

Create a Marketing Plan Using DemandJump

No matter which types of marketing you want to use or which marketing rules you have to follow, DemandJump is your key to success. Our Consumer Insights tell you what your target audience cares about so that they’ll be more likely to read your content. And if you were wondering, Which type of marketing is the best?, we’d have to answer Pillar-Based Marketing. That’s where our expertise lies, and our customers know it works. That’s a topic for another day, though.