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What Are the Best Content Writing Services?

Written by DJ Team | December 23, 2020

It should come as no surprise to anyone that good marketing often comes from good writing. From blog writing to video scripts to ebooks to case studies, writing is a key component of just about any kind of content you plan to release.

Of course, not everyone likes writing, and there are even fewer out there who might be considered good writers. And this is important: it’s ok to admit that you’re not a good writer, especially if your job doesn’t rely on it. If you’re a stellar strategist or accountant, you don’t need to be a good writer too.

Thankfully, there are content marketing services available for hire. Whether you’re looking at freelancers or full-service agencies—or agencies that specialize specifically in copywriting—you’ll find plenty of writers who aren’t just good at content, but are also excellent storytellers.

When it comes to the best content writing services, a lot of that will depend on what you’re looking for and your level of strategy, but let’s look at a few that always prove valuable.

What is a Creative Content Agency?

There are loads of different agencies out in the world of marketing. What makes a creative content agency special? Creative content agencies are designed specifically to offer businesses thoughtful content marketing materials that are suited specifically to your content strategy. There’s also the key word: creative. These agencies often look at different means and methods to create content.

One main component of that is storytelling. That’s a buzzword in the industry, but it’s also important in both the way you talk to your audience and as a matter of standing out. More and more content is being published every single day. Getting someone’s attention online is becoming increasingly more difficult. Creative agencies thrive at doing a little something extra to stand out.

Examples of Content Writing

With all the content out there, how do you know what’s good? The fact is, plenty of the content that exists on the internet is engaging, interesting, and helpful. There are certain things that rise above the fold, of course. Let’s look at a few.

  • Etsy Blog - Part of blogging is knowing your audience, and Etsy does without question. While they could easily fall into the trap of simply writing about crafting, there’s so much more than that. From interviews with celebrities, to DIY designs, to guides to holiday decorating, and even tips for selling more merchandise, Etsy brings a lot of interesting and helpful content to the table.
  • National Geographic - Well known for its print magazine, National Geographic also has a stellar social media presence. Their Instagram account, specifically, is astounding. While it draws in its audience with stunning photography, it also provides thoughtful, in-depth, and beautifully written captions that teach readers a little bit about the subject of the photo.
  • Purina - Videos absolutely count as content, despite how commercial-like they may be. And in this video in particular, which is produced by Buzzfeed, it goes straight for entertainment. While a lot of content on the internet is designed to be helpful and interesting, don’t think that doesn’t mean it can’t be entertaining. Make people laugh and give them something to relate to, and you can gain valuable social media shares.

Content Writing Services

So what are the best content writing services for you? Like mentioned above, it depends a lot on your budget and how much strategy you already have in place. But the following services are just a few that are helpful for a wide array of brands, big and small.

  • Blog Writing - The most successful blogs publish posts as often as once per day. It can be difficult even for the largest of companies to keep up with that kind of demand. Not only can professional writers consistently knock out the work, they can also maintain a sense of story that weaves throughout the blog posts. And keep them interesting all the while.
  • Video Scripting - You may have a great idea for a video. But a writer can take that idea and make it tangible. Every well-produced video, even those without words, usually start with a writer behind the wheel. They can put imagery into words, which then provides the video team with a storyline to follow as they film.
  • Ebooks and White Papers - While they’re both immensely popular in B2B marketing, both ebooks and white papers run the risk of being immensely boring—even to someone who is interested in the topic. Writers are adept at taking boring things and making them more interesting, whether by introducing a theme or using some kind of metaphor throughout.
  • Web and SEO Writing - If your website isn’t engaging, it won’t take most visitors long to bounce out of it. They need to easily find what they’re looking for and be able to get to it quickly. That usually means offering as few words as possible. While copywriters are great at writing, something they’re especially good at is finding the right words to use in small spaces. While they’re at it, they’re able to weave in SEO keywords to better help a site rank in search engines.
  • Data Analytics - While you probably won’t find many writers who rank “statistics” under their peak interests, they do know how to read basic data. They have to in order to know how well the content that they’re creating is working. When they know certain blog posts are being read, they can optimize based on that word count or topic. Or if certain videos get better traction through certain outlets, they can keep writing in that style for that audience.

Automate Your Content Strategy and Write Better Content

DemandJump can help you create content in a fraction of the time. DemandJump’s Insights show you where you are winning and where you are losing to your competitors around any topic. The platform will point out gaps and opportunities to take traffic share, and with one-click SEO-optimized content outlines, you’ll save time in the process.

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