DemandJump Blog

What is a Creative Content Agency?

Written by DJ Team | November 25, 2020

In the marketing world, there are many types of agencies, and each is structured differently. Depending on that structure, they may offer varying services as well. If you’re not in the industry—or you’re new to it—it can come off as confusing. Let’s break down some of the differences and, specifically, figure out what a creative content marketing agency is and what they do.

What are the Types of Creative Agencies?

An agency, by definition, is a business or organization meant to provide a service, usually involving an interaction between two parties. In a traditional, old-school advertising agency, that transaction was usually between the brand (the agency’s client) and the media placement (where the ad would run).

Today, that’s expanded. Marketing, advertising, creative, digital, and other agencies still manage that relationship, but often between the brand and its customers as well. And the face of media has changed a lot since the old ad days.

Here are just a few of the different types of agencies you could choose to partner with:

  • Full-Service - These agencies do it all. It usually means they have an account team, a PR team, a creative team, a team for media placement, and more. They’re meant to be a one-stop shop for your creative needs.
  • Marketing - Marketing agencies do everything that involves promoting and selling something. That includes product research, advertising (see below), strategy, and more.
  • Advertising - Advertising agencies are a subset of marketing agencies. These focus strictly on actual advertising, but today it’s a blend of traditional media like print ads and TV spots with banner ads, text ads, and other digital means.
  • Digital - You can probably guess that digital agencies focus on all things on the internet. That ranges from social media to email to landing pages and all points in between. They’ll also look at analytics that come from these media.
  • Content - Content marketing agencies are the creators. They’re writing blog posts, scripting videos, producing ebooks, and recording podcasts. Their focus is completely on content marketing, sticking to the strategy, and checking analytics to adjust as necessary.

There’s likely to be some crossover in a lot of agencies, so you’ll need to vet the ones you’re considering to be sure they offer—or even specialize in—what you’re looking for.

What Does a Creative Agency Do?

While a creative content marketing agency may feel they are too similar to all their competitors, there’s a lot of disparity. Some focus on content creation, while others put more of an emphasis on marketing existing material you have.

One thing they all have in common is the goal of anyone working in a creative agency is to find a way to tell the brand’s story in a way that’s going to garner positive attention. It’s often called “storytelling” these days.

For a creative content agency, that means using interesting, thoughtful means to write and show the brand is interesting and innovative. However, it also means finding new avenues for storytelling. If a new social media platform gets popular, it’ll help determine if it’s the right path for your brand and, if so, the best ways to get attention using it.

These agencies must also explore creative content outlets, meaning channels like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter should be put to use as well. These channels are all fantastic promotional tools that you can use to connect with your audience. YouTube can be used to double your content in a unique way. For example, suppose you recently created a fantastic, educational blog. In that case, transcribing it and turning it into a video can ensure you reach a larger audience and rank more for that same content.

Although, creating amazing material doesn’t help your marketing strategy if no one is able to find it. If you are looking to create content that ranks on page one of search engines, DemandJump can help. Our content outlines ensure that you are ranking for topics important to your target audience. You'll know what to write, how to write it, and what to write next. Save time while creating better content - get started today.

What Is Content Creativity?

So then, what is creative content? You’ve seen blogs and videos on YouTube. Are these creative? Sometimes, sure. Creativity has to strike a balance between being interesting enough to garner attention and clear enough to provide some kind of benefit—even if it’s primarily for entertainment value.

So, you might be asking, “What do you mean by creative for content marketing?” Here are a few good examples of what it can look like in different industries:

Blendtec - Will It Blend? - Blendtec makes blenders. But not just any blenders—really intense, powerful, industrial blenders. Instead of simply throwing a bunch of fruit or vegetables or even meat into their blenders to show how easily they puree, they took it a step further. In a video series called Will It Blend? they toss in things like smartphones and pool cues. It’s smart, engaging, entertaining, and shows off the power of a Blendtec Blender.

Charmin - Sit or Squat App - Making toilet paper can give you plenty of opportunity for potty humor, but Charmin keeps it clean. A recent piece of creative content they produced was a full-blown app that helps travelers find the cleanest bathrooms along the route. It’s helpful, interesting, and always there when you need it.

Spotify Wrapped - Social Media Campaign - This is a perfect example of understanding your audience and giving them what they need before they even know they want it. Spotify created its “wrapped” campaign in 2017, which gave personalized statistics from your listening data over the course of the year. Having personalized data on top of unique graphics made sharing this information on social media a breeze. People wanted to know who their friends most listened to artists were, and it helped increase Spotify’s popularity and notoriety.

These are just a handful of examples of what some creative content marketing agencies can do. Your industry and your brand specifically will require their own twists to make your organization unique. Take risks to stand out. Your target audience is constantly bombarded with ads and content in their daily lives, and you need to be able to make them take action through your content.

When you’re ready to do that, try a free trial of DemandJump. You’ll get insights about your content, how well it’s working, plus recommendations on where to go from here—all in one convenient dashboard.