DemandJump Blog

What Is PBM Marketing?

Written by McKenzi Sidor | June 14, 2022

Marketing companies are constantly looking for ways to bump their content to the first page of search engines. After all, 92% of search traffic clicks on Google occur on the first page of search results. Many people know about account-based marketing to increase sales, but fewer know about pillar-based marketing (PBM). The PBM marketing strategy is a newer form of marketing that sets your content apart as an authority on a topic by creating a cluster of content connected to each other through internal links. The more that your content is linked back to, the more search engines will see your content as an authority and boost it to page one.

Do you want to boost your content to page one? Then keep reading to learn more about PBM and how you can apply it to your marketing strategy.

What Is PBM Strategy in Marketing?

Pillar-based marketing is a strategy to create a network of content that boosts organic traffic to your website. Within that network, you should create a network of content that establishes your website as an authority for a specific topic. You should shoot for about 16 pieces of content for each topic.

The parts of a pillar-based marketing strategy are:

  1. A Pillar Page: This part of the strategy makes up the foundation of your content network. The title of the pillar will generally be a short-tail keyword (a broad keyword or phrase consisting of 1-3 words). It should relate to a product or service you offer that will boost website traffic and help you achieve your marketing goals. The pillar page should be about 3,000 words and give a broad overview of your topic.
  2. Sub-pillar Pages: Below the pillar page are the sub-pillar pages. The titles are usually keywords related to your pillar. They should be about 2,000 words in length and go into a bit more detail about a specific part of your pillar. For each pillar you write, aim to have three sub-pillars linking back to the pillar.
  3. Supporting Blogs: These are the most specific forms of content within the content network. The titles are usually long-tail keywords (keyword phrases consisting of more than three words). Typically, these will be questions relating to your sub-pillars. These should be 750 words in length and should link back to both the pillar and sub-pillar. You should write about 12 supporting blogs for each pillar.

Using DemandJump’s platform, you can find the keywords you need to create the content that people are searching for. Give the people the answers to their questions, and the organic traffic to your website will increase, hopefully also boosting your sales.

What Is a PBM Example?

Let’s take a look at an example of PBM marketing strategy in action.

Let’s say that a software company wanted to start a pillar-based marketing strategy. After thinking about their sales goals, the company decides to write a pillar on document generation. From there, they might write some sub-pillars on:

  • document generation software
  • automatic document generation
  • Salesforce document generation tools

Once those sub-pillars are written, they might get more specific and write a few supporting blogs on the following topics:

  • What software can be used to create documents?
  • What is a document generator?
  • What is document generation?
  • How do I create an automated document?

How Is Pillar-Based Marketing Different From Account-Based Marketing?

Pillar-based marketing is different from account-based marketing (ABM) in that it focuses on creating more potential leads instead of focusing on a few target leads. Essentially, PBM is about attracting specific kinds of people instead of specific people. The problem with PBM is that it wastes time and money trying to attract a few target customers who may or may not do business with your company. PBM, on the other hand, helps you create the content that answers the questions that your target audience are asking. DemandJump’s platform can tell you what people are searching for the most, where you are ranking for those keywords, and where your competitors are ranking.

Creating a PBM Strategy With DemandJump

So how do you develop a PBM strategy? By using DemandJump’s platform. When you start working on your strategy, just bring some questions related to your topic to our platform, put them in our Pillar Strategy dashboard, and our platform will generate an Insights report with ideas for your pillar, sub-pillars, and supporting blogs. This report will also show you where you and your competitors are ranking for certain keywords as well as how often people are searching for those keywords so that you have a pretty good idea of what your potential customers want to learn more about. Head to the DemandJump website to view our keyword research and play with our pillar strategy tools.