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What is SEO Content Writing?

August 9, 2023 Allison Lemasters

seo content writing

If you’re on this page, chances are you got here thanks to SEO content writing.

Our writers created this article to answer some of the top questions and phrases that people (including you) type into Google and other search engines. And they did so using common SEO writing techniques combined with DemandJump’s own Pillar-Based Marketing principles (more on that later).

All of these efforts drove this article high enough in search engine results pages (SERPs) that it surfaced for you as a result of your query.

But what actually is SEO content writing, and how can an SEO content tool like DemandJump supercharge your own efforts? Keep reading to find out more about SEO writing, why it matters, and how it’s changing for the better.

What Is SEO Writing, and What Does an SEO Content Writer Do?

SEO writing refers to the process of creating web content, with the end goal of ranking highly—ideally on page one—of SERPs. SEO content writers do this by determining what to write about, identifying keywords, developing content, and optimizing said content for the web.

Why is SEO writing important? It all comes down to organic traffic. Over 25% of people click on the number one organic search result on Google, according to Search Engine Journal. On the other hand, position ten sees roughly 2.5% of all clicks. More organic traffic means more potential customers and more potential revenue. It’s truly a win-win if you can make it to the top. But historically, this has been a pretty difficult process filled with a lot of guesswork.

For example, writers may have spent a long time on search engines or with their sales and customer experience (CX) teams trying to guess at what to write about. While this would sometimes pay off, it’s difficult for subject matter experts (you and your team) to theorize what your prospects or customers may be researching online. We simply use a different language than our target audience.

SEO writing in the past also employed some techniques that nowadays we consider nefarious or bad. Take keyword stuffing and backlink farming, for example. These were pretty commonplace in the early to mid-aughts, and they were something a lot of businesses used to rise to the top of SERPs. While they were somewhat effective, they’re not now, and they’ve been replaced by better options.

creating great seo content

What Is the Relationship Between SEO and Content Writing in 2023 and Beyond?

SEO and content writing are still firmly linked, but how to write SEO content these days looks a lot different than what we described above.

Take identifying what to write about and finding keywords, for example. While you can (and should, at times!) still get input from your sales and CX teams about what kinds of inquiries and pain points they’re hearing, you’re not alone in the journey. Data-driven SEO content writing tools like DemandJump assemble the world’s search data to provide you information on exactly what your customers are searching for—down to every last version of a keyword or phrase (different spellings and all!). Armed with this information, you can develop SEO content that aligns with what your prospects are literally typing into Google.

What about techniques like keyword stuffing and backlink farming? Well, Google made it pretty clear that these solutions just aren’t the answer. In 2011 and 2012, they released Panda and Penguin, which all but snuffed out these so-called “black hat” SEO techniques. Ask any content marketer who was around ten years ago what it was like when these updates pushed out, and they’ll all tell you the same thing: it was pure panic. Google essentially drew a line in the sand and stated that they’d reward high-quality, authoritative content, and businesses that didn’t change their ways were quickly deprioritized on SERPs.


In fact, Google hasn’t stopped releasing updates that can and should guide the way we write all types of SEO content. Take Google’s 2022 “helpful content update,” for example. While a lot of people used to describe SEO writing as “for the bots,” it’s actually not anymore. In their update, Google asks that companies “focus on people-first content” and “avoid creating content for search engines first.” What does this all mean? SEO writers must now:

  • Demonstrate experience and authority by writing knowledgeable, expert content.
  • Build content that people will find interesting by adding a human element to writing.
  • Create thought leadership by contributing new insights, rather than paraphrasing what exists.
  • Leave readers feeling satisfied and like their questions have been answered.

At DemandJump, we cut our teeth on this very notion. We believe that the best SEO articles are the ones that answer people’s questions, give good advice, and understand that web content is for people— not bots. In fact, we developed an entire marketing strategy around these very tenants: Pillar-Based Marketing.

With Pillar-Based Marketing, companies develop an entire network of content (also called a Pillar strategy). The foundation of this network of content is built around data—namely, finding out what people are searching for online, word for word, and writing to answer those questions. Yes, you’re still working valuable keywords into your content, but you’re explaining concepts and theories, answering questions, and working those keywords into content naturally. By building a cohesive network of content and interlinking each article in a set way, you can develop content that ranks while still being in line with Google’s algorithm.

For more great SEO content nuggets subscribe to Page One or Bust! wherever you listen to podcasts.

DemandJump: A Future-Ready SEO Content Marketing Tool

If you’re ready to develop content that your customers and prospects will read, engage with, and act on—you're ready for DemandJump. Built for marketers, by marketers, DemandJump’s platform makes it easy to find data about:

  • What topics and keywords your audience is searching for
  • How you stack up against your competitors
  • What content to develop to improve your rankings

Getting started is easy—try it for yourself to see just how easy it can be!

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